In this era of technology, social media, electronics and immediate access to information, how can The Chutzpah Rules impact our performance?
Purpose, Disruption, and COVID-19
Lessons from Viktor Frankl that can help us adjust to the unexpected changes in our lives.
A “Life Lesson”: Grumbling to Gratitude at 30,000 Feet
What started as a business trip evolved into a valuable life lesson.
The Ugly Holiday Sweater and the Maven
The dangers of taking your customers for granted.
Minimizing Ambiguity and Adjusting to Stay-At-Home Restrictions
The importance of focusing on what you can control.
The Next Celebrity Opioid Overdose is an Opportunity
A crisis that never should have risen to this level of harm.
5 Critical Elements of InterviewMagic
Some advice: treat your interview as you would a sales call.